Ranskan markkinajohtaja.
Lähes 100 vuotta vanha SADTEM on Ranskan johtava keskijännitemittamuuntajien valmistaja. Tuotteiden suunnittelu ja valmistus suoritetaan Hauts-de-Francessa (Pohjois-Ranskassa) sijaitsevissa tehtaissa ja testilaboratorioissa. Laitteiden tunnustetun luotettavuuden ansiosta suurin osa tuotannosta menee vientinä kansainvälisille energianjakelu- ja rautatieasiakkaille.
Tuotteet WestimQPowerin kautta
WestimQpower edustaa Sadtemin keskijännitemittamuuntajia Suomessa.
“Quality manufacturing that respects the environment”
“Manufacturing is organized in full compliance with current environmental legislation. The highly computerized production management and monitoring make it possible to monitor and manage in real time the production of orders in progress as well as production capacities and costs.
Quality control is confirmed by ISO 9001 certification. Quality control and customer satisfaction are the best investments we can make. They are carried out systematically on all devices, and other checks can be carried out at the customer’s request. SADTEM’s laboratories and test platforms allow, in addition of standardized routine tests, the performance of most type and durability tests prescribed by international standards.”