Erinomaisen nerokasta.
Coil Innovation on johtava ilmasydänteknologian innovaatioissa. Yhtiön perusti heinäkuussa 2004 yksityinen osakeyhtiö (GmbH) kolmen hengen tiimillä, joilla kaikilla on runsaasti toimialakokemusta ja tuotetuntemusta. Yhdessä he omistavat enemmistön yhtiön osakkeista, ja loput ovat kahden strategisen kumppanin määräysvallassa, jotka molemmat ovat Coil lnnovationin keskeisiä toimittajia.
Coil lnnovationin pääkonttori sijaitsee Eferdingissä, kylässä Ylä-Itävallan sydämessä. Yli 95 % Coil lnnovationin valmistamista korkealaatuisista reaktoreista viedään asiakkaille ympäri maailmaa.
Tuotteet WestimQPowerin kautta
WestimQpower toimittaa Coil Innovationin ilmasydänreaktoreja; rinnakkaisreaktoreja loistehon kompensointiin ja virranrajoitusreaktoreja rajoittamaan oikosulkutehoa.
“For Coil Innovation, sustainability is not just a trend, but a fixed component of corporate policy”
“For Coil Innovation this means: Taking responsibility for employees, ensuring fair dealings with partners and suppliers, and acting in an environmentally and climate-conscious manner. Coil Innovation is committed to a sustainable, fair society and Coil Innovation products also make an important contribution to the energy transition.
As an internationally active company, Coil Innovation is committed to strengthening human rights and improving working conditions within its supply chains.
In the context of sustainability an intensive dialogue with stakeholders and the binding establishment of long-term partnerships is extremely important to Coil Innovation. After all, long-term improvements can only be brought about if all those involved work towards common goals.
Coil Innovation expects its suppliers to fully comply with applicable laws and internationally recognised environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) standards.
Coil Innovation also expects its suppliers to give their best efforts to implement these standards in their suppliers and subcontractors.
In particular, Coil Innovation expects you, as a supplier, to recognise, support and comply with the following ESG standards.”